Do you ever totally, openly and honestly go before God and say "whatever you want Lord? I'm at my end Lord, I submit to Your authority, Your sovereignty, Your sufficiency, Your forgiveness, Your grace and Your plan for me Lord?"
If you do, maybe you've had the same feelings as I have lately. I often feel like I'm overcome by His presence to the point that I just about can't take it and can't handle it any more. I often feel He is aligning me to His will and His Word so much that my brain is on overload. I often feel that I am overcome with emotions, dependence on Him, a lack of direction and a conviction that I need Him so much more in my life. The conviction I'm speaking of is that the only way out of my current desperate need and the only way to get to His end, is to lean on His everlasting arms more than ever and truly trust that He knows what is best for me. He knows what is best and He has a heavenly plan for me and my life. At this point I must trust, that in His time, He will reveal His plans and His wisdom to me as I honestly seek Him for leading, direction and discernment.
One thing I am realizing is that it can be painful, emotional and uncomfortable to be totally honest, to be broken before God, and to be totally overcome by His presence. If we are honest before God, it can be all of this; but it can also be and should be a satisfying, strangely peaceful and hopeful time as we are aligned to His Word and whatever He is doing. When we come to The Father in this way, we are living a lifestyle of worship to Him. We are seeking Him and we are submitting ourselves and our lives fully to Him. To live a worship lifestyle is to put God first in everything and expect something heavenly which is more of Himself revealed to us. His very best for us and His heart then starts to break into and invade our lives. Will we respond to His moving?
Scripture to read: Philippians 4:19, Psalm 94:19, Psalm 139:23, Philippians 4:6
Book to Read: "I Am Second" - Authors Doug Bender, Dave Sterrett
Song to Listen to: "Whatever You're Doing/Something Heavenly" - Artist - Sanctus Real