Saturday, August 25, 2012

Improve and Approved

2 Timothy 2:15 - "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth."

I'm really wanting to do more song writing lately.  Not only do I want to continue to write songs as I've done since 1997 when I wrote what I consider to be my first "real" song, Jesus My King, but I want to do more.  I want to write country songs.  I want to write country songs of a specific nature.  I want to write better worship songs.  I want to write songs from my heart that I feel are in me but I just can't quite get out.

There's only one problem.  I need to get better.  I need to be a better songwriter.  I feel that a lot of my songs, up until this point, have a familiar feel and sound, which is not bad, its my style.  But as I strive to write more songs, more complex songs, to me, they all come out sounding like Jesus My King or some of my other songs and I can never seem to get that country sound that I love when I hear it from others.  As I venture out into territory that has not traditionally been in my songwriting and musical comfort zone, I know I need to work hard, practice, study, rehearse and put the effort into my craft.  I want to and need to be stretched.  I need to collaborate with other songwriters and I need to improve my guitar and piano playing.  I know that I need to grow in my musical abilities and understanding of music, chord structures, and the the understanding of how the notes, chords and music all fit together.  Basically, I need to improve. So be on the lookout in the future for some different and maybe collaborative songs from me and whoever comes across my path that I choose to work with.  

So that is the "Improved" part of what I wanted to share.  How about the "Approved" part?  Will people approve of my music?  Will they like it?  Will they laugh at me and my music?  Will they not like my music?  Basically I'm not really concerned with those types of questions.  I am not devoting myself to improvement to be approved by others.  I am working hard to write songs from my heart and to do it for my own fun, edification, growth, relaxation and convictions.  What I do care about is that God approves of what I do.  As 2 Timothy 2:15 states, I want to be diligent to present myself to God in a way that He will approve of me and all I do.  I want to work hard and be a workman who is not ashamed of God or how God has made me and the gifts He has given me.  Most importantly, I want to accurately handle His Word, the Bible, I want to live by it accurately and I want to share Christ's love with others.  In order to do this, I need to improve my life and my understanding of the Bible.  I need to read it more, pray more, seek God more and seek a close walk with Him every day.  I can be approved by God by improving my Christian walk and living in such a way that extends grace to others and follows the best laid plans that God has for me.

Not only can I study, work hard, practice and collaborate with others to improve my songwriting and singing skills; but I, and we, can work hard for God.  We can study God's word and work hard in seeking Him. We can strive to live in God's grace.  We can practice what we preach, and practice what the Bible teaches us on how to live worshipful lives.  We can also "collaborate" with other christians to be held accountable and learn from our mistakes.  We can have mentors that help us to mature spiritually.  Studying and working to improve in all areas of our lives will help us to be approved in the areas that God is concerned with.

So as I strive, work and practice my craft and desire to get better and develop my songwriting skills, I couldn't help but notice the parallel to my life as a christian.  I guess it shouldn't surprise me because often, life as a christian is compared to a song.  I want my life to sing in such a way that God approves of me and says "Well done good and faithful servant."  

As the Casting Crowns song goes... "Let my lifesong sing to You, I want to sign Your name, to the end of this day, knowing that my heart was true, let my lifesong sing to You."

God Bless!!!

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